Restless Rawr


rr This is the temporary new home of Alex & Paige's blog site. We have moved from ( The address restless-rawr will remain the same, however the layout will not. Paige is picky, and wants to design a new one :D Oh thing to note-> If you haven't seen it then you must be blind, but I've just added a new chatbox on the right side of the page! Comment if you wish or leave a suggestion!

This site it not only for the bloggings, but will also feature self-generated content as well as interesting content/videos we may find around the web. It's a slow start since we have many other projects on the go, but it is sure to pick up speed once things settle down. To view the main blog, click on the blog tab at the far right. We have prematurely released the site into the 'public', but there will be a second relase, again when things get settled.
If you have any suggestions towards the site and what you may want to see don't hesitate to contact either Alex or I @ the following: